Mental Health as a Human Right | StrongMinds

Mental Health as a Human Right

Mental Health is a Human Right

Supporting a rights-based approach to mental health care globally.

Left Flourish

Everyone has the inherent right to the highest attainable standard of mental health care.

When individuals enjoy good mental health, they are better equipped to handle the daily stresses of life, realize their potential, and contribute positively to their communities. 

280 million people
globally are living with depression.

1.3 qualified mental health care
providers per 100,000 people in Africa.

.03% of global development aid for health goes toward mental health services.

What We Are Doing

StrongMinds removes the barriers that prevent people from receiving essential mental health care by providing free depression treatment in low-resource communities.

We also work at the local, national, and international levels to integrate mental health care into government and NGO programs, build peer-therapy networks, and unlock funding and support to increase access globally.

Women walk together after receiving peer-led depression treatment

Support mental health as a human right today.