Solving the Depression Epidemic in Africa | Sean Mayberry | TEDxCulverCity | StrongMinds

Solving the Depression Epidemic in Africa | Sean Mayberry | TEDxCulverCity

Global healthcare advocate and activist, Sean Mayberry addresses a silent epidemic affecting hundreds of millions Africans, Depression. In a society that attaches stigma to mental health issues, Mayberry finds mass-relief through talk therapy.

Sean Mayberry is a former diplomat and social marketer who believes in simple and cost-effective interventions which can improve an area that is often overlooked when addressing poverty in the developing world: mental health. Sean implemented successful HIV/AIDS and malaria programs in Africa for years, and saw firsthand the struggles of the mentally ill in these countries. As a result, in 2013, Sean founded StrongMinds, a social enterprise with the mission of improving the mental health of women in Africa. In 2014, their first year of activity, StrongMinds treated more than 500 depressed women using an innovative model of group talk therapy and achieved a 94% success rate in reaching depression-free status for these sufferers. Prior to founding StrongMinds, Sean was the CEO for FXB International, an anti-poverty team active in Africa, and the COO for VisionSpring, which provides eyeglasses to low-income populations.