Zambia | StrongMinds



StrongMinds is providing scalable, community- and school-based solutions to close the mental health treatment gap in Zambia.

Left Flourish

Our Approach in Zambia

Peer-led Therapy to Treat Depression

StrongMinds Zambia is reaching tens of thousands of people with depression each year through peer-led therapy, training former therapy group participants to run their own groups within their communities.

Strategic Government Partnerships

We partner with the Ministry of Health in Zambia to train frontline health workers to conduct depression screenings and run therapy groups in the communities they serve.

Schools-based intervention for Adolescents

StrongMinds is working with the Ministry of Education in Zambia to roll out group therapy in schools across the country to treat depression in adolescents.

NGO Partnerships

We work with DREAMS Centers to provide depression treatment to adolescent girls and young women who are at risk of contracting HIV.

The Numbers

“DREAMS has taught me that failure is not the alternative to success but rather that everyone encounters failures at some point in life, but what truly matters is how you learn and react to failure.” – Julia, 17

“My life is not the same now. I now have an insatiable appetite for the things I never used to. I am now in grade 11, working hard to score 6 points in grade 12 and become a lawyer or a pilot. I am indeed a living testimony of group therapy.” – Olipa, 16

Two young men smiling

Help transform lives and livelihoods through improved mental health and well-being.