Vincent Mujune | StrongMinds

Vincent Mujune

Vincent Mujune brings to StrongMinds his 16 years of experience working for civil society organizations in Uganda. His expertise includes research, strengthening health systems to support vulnerable communities, and ensuring that people living in such communities survive crises and shocks to the health sector. Vincent has previously worked for GOAL Global as the Deputy Program Director for Health/People Centered Advocacy and Partnerships Organizational Development Mentor. He has led and implemented programs funded by USAID, DFID, Irish Aid and European Union. Vincent coordinated research-based intervention at GOAL Uganda in partnership with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA). He was at the forefront of GOAL’s public health emergency response in Uganda, specifically for the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), Cholera and COVID-19 in high-risk urban and rural communities. He is passionate about mental health and the growing policy and legal recognition of mental health problems in low- and middle- income countries around the world. Vincent has previously worked in South Sudan, Cameroon, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone and Sri-Lanka. He holds a Master’s degree in Public Health.