The Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy | StrongMinds

The Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Dr. Myrna Weissman, a member of the StrongMinds Advisory Board, recently released an updated and expanded edition of her book, The Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy.

StrongMinds’ work was founded on a randomized control trial of Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy that took place in Uganda in 2002, which was conducted by Paul Bolton et al. Dr. Weissman adapted the manual for the study, which was used to train community health workers, along with Lena Verdeli and Kathy Clougherty. This work became the basis for StrongMinds’ approach.

The new edition of the book expands coverage of international Interpersonal Psychotherapy uses and collaborations with the World Health Organization.  The work of StrongMinds and how we use Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Africa to treat women with depression is included in the expanded coverage.

Sean Mayberry, the Executive Director of StrongMinds, explains, “We truly value having Dr. Weissman on our Advisory Board.  She continues to advise us as we scale to reach more women in Africa. Her insight is irreplaceable and I was thrilled to see StrongMinds mentioned in the book.”

The book is available on Amazon.


Dr. Myrna Weissman is Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons and the School of Public Health at Columbia University and Chief of the Department of Clinical-Genetic Epidemiology at New York State Psychiatric institute. Dr. Weissman along with her late husband Gerald Klerman developed  Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), one of only a few empirically validated (EV) and manualized forms of therapy designed for the treatment of depression.