StrongMinds Uganda Retreat | StrongMinds

StrongMinds Uganda Retreat

The StrongMinds Uganda team held a retreat December 19-21, 2016.  The entire team of 47 personnel attended the two-day workshop, held in a serene environment away from office and the bustling city of Kampala to provide peace to staff during the retreat.


The goal of the retreat was to give the Mental Health Facilitators and Mental Health Supervisors an opportunity to decompress after a year of challenging, stressful, and fatiguing situations encountered during the year treating depression for close to 8,000 patients.


There were three main session held throughout the two-day retreat.  These were the meditation session, the staff motivation session and the mental wellness session.  After working mostly individually during the year, the retreat was a welcomed change for group learning. Under the guidance of a Ugandan consultant psychotherapist, the staff shared individual fears, feelings, and gained skills and knowledge to manage better their own mental health in the future.


Special thanks to the Imago Dei Fund for their support and for making this event possible.