Mental Health and Economic Development | StrongMinds

Mental Health and Economic Development

Mental Health and Economic Development

Improving livelihoods and enhancing economic opportunity through good mental health.

Left Flourish

Depression directly impacts economic advancement.

Symptoms of depression such as persistent sadness, fatigue, and cognitive impairments can lead to decreased work performance, increased absenteeism, and a higher likelihood of disability leave.

Depression can also lead to interrupted or restricted education, leading to limited employment opportunities, perpetuating poverty cycles.

US $1 trillion
is lost in the global economy due to anxiety and depression.

85% of people
in low-income countries have no access to depression treatment.

Every US $1 invested
in scaling up treatment for depression leads to a return of US $4 in better health and ability to work.

What We Are Doing

Our depression treatment model helps women regain confidence and a sense of personal agency. In therapy groups, members provide mutual support and encouragement toward achieving goals, which can include suggestions for identifying resources to launch or grow businesses.

StrongMinds also partners with NGOs focused on economic and livelihood development to identify and support the mental health needs of economically marginalized individuals and communities.

Our Results

16% increase in clients who report they can now engage in more income-generating activities.

Support financial security through good mental health today.