StrongMinds Raises Suicide Awareness on 93.1 Capital FM | StrongMinds

StrongMinds Raises Suicide Awareness on 93.1 Capital FM

By Capital FM News Reporter Kidandi Moses

Experts have warned of an urgent need to address growing depression cases across the country, especially in local communities. This mental health condition has resulted in many cases of unexplained deaths due to suicide, violence, school dropouts, poverty, and more.

Depression is a common and serious medical condition that negatively affects how you feel, think, and act. It can also cause feelings of sadness or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. In Africa, 66 million women are living with depression, and 85% have no access to the treatment thereby putting their lives at risk.

According to Vincent Mujune, the head of programs at StrongMinds Uganda, mental disorders are a major public health burden but can be treated in many ways. Uganda is ranked among the top six countries in Africa with varying rates ranging from depressive disorders at 4.6% to 2.9% living with anxiety disorders, affecting  5.1% of females and 3.6% of males. Mujune says depression, anxiety, and elevated stress levels are the most common, sometimes leading to suicide attempts.

As much as there are growing figures of persons faced with depression, StrongMinds Uganda says they have been able to rehabilitate adolescents and adults, mostly in rural communities throughout Uganda, through a community-based therapy approach. Read the full story on

93.1 Captial FM is an English radio station broadcasting from Kampala, Uganda. It covers the whole of Uganda as well as the rest of the world through its popular online streaming service.