World Refugee Day | StrongMinds

World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day is an opportunity to shed light on the mental health challenges faced by millions of displaced individuals worldwide. Refugees often endure unimaginable trauma, from armed conflict and separation from loved ones to legal uncertainties and fear of deportation. These experiences take a heavy toll, with studies suggesting up to 31.5% of refugees experience depression. 

Sub-Saharan Africa hosts a staggering 18 million refugees, accounting for 25% of the world’s refugee population. Uganda alone has absorbed 1.5 million refugees and is home to the 6th largest refugee population in the world, most of whom are fleeing conflict in the bordering countries of Central African Republic and South Sudan. 

We are working tirelessly to provide mental health support to these populations by partnering with Windle International and Alliance Forum for Development to serve refugees living in Uganda, as well as their host communities. Through group talk therapy sessions, refugees have found healing and regained their confidence and self-worth. To date, we have treated more than 22,000 refugees, with 74% remaining depression-free.

To learn more about the mental health challenges refugees face, read Prossy’s story, a South Sudanese woman who fled to Uganda with her four children to escape the civil war at home.